Thankful day 2

I am so thankful for my family! I am thankful for my parents! They have taught me so much about love and grace. They have been an amazing example of what a Godly marriage looks like. My mom is super woman in my eyes! I pray that one day I can be half the mom she is. My mom has been the back bone of our family and has shown me what it looks like to be dependent on God. We have had our moments where I know I was a difficult daughter but she always love me through it. My mom is my best friend and I am truly thankful for her. My dad is an amazing leader! He taught what a man should be and that I deserved nothing less. He also has shown me what it looks like to be dependent on God and because of that I have unwavering faith that no matter what storms may come God will always be there to get me through. My dad has shown me what it looks like to truly love people and not the sin. I admire his servants heart and his strength to do what God has asked him to do without question. My parents are my remodels! I don’t know where I would be with out your love guidance and support. I love you so much!


I am thankful for my little brother’s! Jeffrey has is an example that through God you can overcome anything. I have loved watching him grow in his faith in to an amazing man and husband. He can always make me laugh no matter what mood I may be in. Elijah is so full of energy like most 3 year old. I love whatching him grow up! He is funny and sassy and a good mix of Jeffrey and I. I love you two so very much and I am so blessed to be your big sister!


I am thankful for my beautiful sister-in-law. She is sweet, kind, and just as silly as Jeffrey! I am so happy my brother has a wife who know him and all he has been through and still loves him and support him :) She is an amazing friend and has a loving heart. I can’t wait for the two of them to move closer and for the next chapter in there life. I love you!


I am also thankful for my inlaws! You all welcomed me in to your family with open arms and have shown me so much love! Robert and Pat you guys have raised an amazing son. I love you all and can not wait till Christmas! I really have been blessed with an awesome family!

Thankful day 1

I’m starting a little late but one of my favorite things about November is thinking about all the things I am thankful for and of course the awesome food Mom and Aunt Susan make for Thanksgiving.


One of the things I am thankful for is my amazing Husband! Over the past year  Gunnard have had our ups and downs but at the end of the day we are stronger as a couple. I am so thankful to be married to a man who forgives, loves, shows grace, and can be so patient, not just to me but the people around him. He has a servants heart and that is one of the thing I admire him for. Gunnard is my anchor, he keeps me grounded  (if you know me you know that is a hard thing to do) but at the same time he encourages and supports my dreams. I love watching him grow closer to the Lord and becoming the leader in our household. There are so many thing I could say about him and why I am thankful for him but what it comes down to is I am so blessed to do life with him!

I love you Gunnard!


Last year was an amazing year! I mean, I married my best friend! How could it get better then that. But with the start of a new year comes a lot of life changes. My lil brother is getting married to a wonderful girl, I am now  a full time volunteer for Vinings Church as there Special Projects Director, Gunnard is also volunteering at Vinings Church part time as the Director over the Website and I am about to start my Stachingtons Cupcake blog in February. I really can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this year!

We are so blessed to have such amazing Family and Friends to love and support us. It means so much to us and we feel that its the kind of encouragement we need to stay strong.

I know I have said this before but we really will have some Wedding Photos up soon! Just keep checking in from time to time.

So Smuch Love,




Our first month!

So we have been married for a little over a month now and I just wanted to update everyone and let y’all know whats been going on. This past month has been a lot of fun! We have been getting our little apartment all put together and its starting to feel more like home. Gunnard and I have found a Church that we love and we can serve in. We are learning a lot and trying to figure out this whole being married thing works but its a good thing and I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. I really can’t wait to see what God has planned for us next.

We love you all,


Married Life!!

So Things are starting to get back to normal! We are getting the apt. put together, planing out the holidays, and maybe even having a Halloween Party. So far things have been great! I am so blessed to be married to such an amazing man! We are going to look at our wedding photos tomorrow and I really can’t wait. We will post some as soon as we can!


It has started!

So now 1 week back from our honeymoon, we are getting our lives started. This means:

1) Cleaning everything in the apt.
2) Lots of trash runs (boxes, gift wrapping, etc..)
3) Trips to Atlanta Union Mission to donate our old stuff or duplicates
4) Enjoying eachother’s company every day.
5) Starting a daily routine.

We are still adjusting but our little home (apt) is coming together ;)

More wedding pics (than whats on facebook) are coming!



Today is my Birthday and I am spending the day unpacking, cleaning, and doing wedding stuff. It feels so good to get things done! Gunnard is so sweet and got me breakfast from Waffle House and coffee from Star Bucks. He knows me so well! One more week till the big day and I can’t wait to be his wife!!!

Our Wedding Site